Streaming on Twitch has brought PC gaming out of the basement. Now, players' best moments, their biggest fails—can be seen by EVERYONE. This was a reminder that they couldn't risk playing on anything less than the best. The campaign was created specifically for large-scale events and competitions, like the Intel Extreme Masters circuit, which draws 65,000 attendees and 65 million viewers online.
The audience at eSports events is the definition of captive, flooding arena seats with numerous opportunities for commercial breaks between competition rounds. In the past, Intel would make one :15 ad that would run between 100 and 200 times over the course of a weekend. Instead, we opted to entertain and take the audience on a journey with our everyday gamer Max, who is about to go big time!
UGC portion of the campaign
We really wanted to take our idea; The World is Watching to the next level by actually giving gamers the opportunity to become part of our campaign and actually get watched by professional gamers and influencers. Through a submission portal we created, gamers could upload their best moments, we then selected the best and made them into :15 and :30 social films that would be run online and also at events. These events are streamed live through Twitch so for a young gamer to see their best moment aired live would be clutch!
The entire campaign was wrapped together with a unique visual style born directly from how gamers communicate on streaming platforms - emotes. We worked with well-known Spanish artists, BROSMIND, to create over 50 own-able emotes, both iconographic and typographic, for use globally in film, print, events, online, social, and even down to the freebie t-shirts handed out as event swag.