Being a personal trainer in the world of fitness is no joke. It’s an ever changing landscape of method, programs, technology, need, client, trend and thats just for starters. Independent personal trainers/coaches are business owners, entrepreneurs who often have to utilize many platforms to run their businesses, which can take time and resource and some times be a heavy financial investment, which is why TRX Created TRX CORE, an all-in-one digital platform that improves how they communicate and train clients, generate leads, earn Continuing Education Credits (CEC's), and scale their business beyond brick-and-mortar health clubs and fitness facilities.
The platform provides all the necessary tools, content, education, and communication needed to establish, elevate, and sustain fitness professionals' business through a wide range of features ideal for acquisition and retention to expand their business.
For this B2B launch we created a hero anthem film that captures the struggles that fitness professionals battle through on any given day. With 17 years of education in the fitness world we understood the hurdles and this gave us true insight into what these business owners needed to see. This content was cut down into various social forms and presented at large industry events, virtual conferences and pushed out through relevant channels.
With a smaller media budget we tapped into our 300,000 TRX certified trainers and identified some key players and influencers that we partnered with to push this platform launch.
We shot (way too many) images of our hero cast that we used to bring the platform to life.